Article II: Governance
Article II
Article II.01 Board of Trustees Meetings
Board of Trustees Meetings
All meetings, records, and votes of the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees
are conducted in accordance with Missouri’s Sunshine Law (RSMo, Section 610).
It is the policy of the district to inform the public of meetings of the Board of Trustees in accordance with state law. Monthly meetings are open to the public unless otherwise authorized by law and are held on a regularly scheduled day which is established annually by the Board of Trustees and may be adjusted as needed throughout the year.
The established location for meetings of the Board of Trustees is the Daniel J. Conoyer Social Sciences Building, Room 2102; however, the location may be changed as needed by the Board of Trustees. Meeting facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Public Notice
Public notice of the time, date, location, and tentative agenda of all meetings of
the Board of Trustees will be posted in the Daniel J. Conoyer Social Sciences Building,
Office 2104, at least 24 hours in advance (excluding weekends and holidays) of each
meeting unless, for good cause, such notice is impossible or impractical. Copies of
the notice will be made available, upon request, to any representative of the news
media through the Office of the President.
Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called at any time. No business will be transacted at a special
meeting other than that stated in the public notice.
Closed Meetings
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to close meetings, records, and votes pursuant
to state law.
Public Comment
Recognizing that the Missouri Sunshine Law does not require public comment, and due
to the COVID-19 pandemic and limitations placed on the number of individuals allowed
to gather in one location, public comment at meetings of the Board of Trustees is
suspended from April 1, 2020, until such time as the College returns to in-person
Audience Protocol
Protocol for audience members shall include the following:
- All cell phones and other electronic devices shall be turned off or set to vibrate unless being used for recording purposes pursuant to state law.
- The audience shall behave courteously and remain quiet during the meeting.
- The audience shall refrain from cheering, clapping, or audibly commenting during the business portion of the meeting.
- The audience shall be prohibited from displaying signs, posters, or placards inside the room where the Board meeting is convened.
- The Board of Trustees shall not tolerate disruption of the meeting by members of the audience. If, after at least one warning from the presiding officer, a person continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer may request assistance from law enforcement officials to have the person removed from the meeting.
Recording of Meetings
Recording open meetings by audiotape, videotape, or other electronic means is allowed
by law; however, the Board of Trustees may establish guidelines regarding the manner
in which such recordings are conducted to minimize disruption of the meeting. Recording
of any meeting, record, or vote which is closed pursuant to state law is prohibited
unless permission has been granted by the Board of Trustees.
At all meetings of the Board of Trustees, whether regular or special, a majority of
the entire membership of the Board will constitute a quorum to do business. However,
no contract shall be let, teacher employed or dismissed, or bill approved unless a
majority of the whole Board votes therefor.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revised: 08/2018, 05/2019, 03/2020
Meeting Agenda
The agenda for all regular and special Board meetings will be prepared by the College
President and will be forwarded to trustees at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Individual trustees may present an item or items for the agenda to the College President
prior to agenda preparation; trustees should provide as much notice as possible for
changes to the meeting agenda. Items may be placed on the agenda at the meeting by
a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
Order of Business
The Board President will call the members to order on the appearance of a quorum at
the meeting. The order of business, unless modified by the Board of Trustees, will
be as follows:
- Call to Order and Introduction of Guests
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Acceptance of Minutes
- Approval of Agenda
- Treasurer’s Report
- Approval for Payment of Bills
- Public Comments
- Informational Reports
- Report of the College President
- Agenda Items
- Adjournment
No member will speak more than five minutes at any one time on any motion under discussion
nor will the same member speak again until all members have had the opportunity to
speak. No member will speak more than twice to the same question without consent of
a majority of the Board, and no member will take more than three minutes to explain
their vote. When the motion to close debate prevails, no further debate will be in
Rules of Order
In all matters not governed by Missouri statute or district procedures, meeting protocol
will be governed by the manual known as Robert’s Rules of Order.
Representatives of the Faculty and Students
The Board of Trustees will recognize a member of the Faculty and a member of Student
Activities who is selected by these two bodies to be their representatives. These
representatives will receive notices of Board meetings and be invited to attend meetings
held during the fall and spring semesters.
Participation by Telephone
The Board of Trustees may allow its members to participate in meetings by telephone.
If a trustee is allowed to participate by telephone, their remote participation will
be documented in the official meeting minutes and he or she will be considered present,
will have his or her physical absence excused, and will be counted present for purposes
of convening a quorum. (RSMO 610.015)
Trustees who wish to participate in a meeting by telephone will contact the Board President with as much notice as possible, and the Board President will work with the College President to arrange for a meeting location with the appropriate equipment to ensure ease of trustee interaction and public observation. The College President will take measures to verify the identity of any remotely connected participants. Voting procedures are included in the related section of this manual.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of open and closed meetings, including a record of any votes taken at such
meetings, will be taken and retained by the Board of Trustees. Maintenance of meeting
records for the Board of Trustees is the responsibility of the Recording Secretary.
The Executive Coordinator in the President’s Office, or designee, will be the Recording
Secretary. The minutes will include the date, time, location, members present, members
absent, and a record of any votes taken. When a roll call vote is taken, the minutes
will attribute each “yes” vote, each “no” vote, and each abstinence if not voting,
to the name of individual trustees. (RSMO 610.020.7)
The Executive Coordinator will maintain the official Minutes Book of all public and closed meetings of the Board of Trustees. Minutes are not considered official until approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees and signed by the Board President, Board Secretary, and Recording Secretary. Approval and/or correction of prior meeting minutes will be included on the agenda for each Board of Trustees meeting. All approved minutes will be maintained in a permanent file in the President’s Office and made available for public inspection or copying during regular office hours. (RSMO 610.023) Fees for copying of public records may be assessed. (RSMO 610.026)
Minutes of all closed meetings will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees at the next closed meeting and will be maintained in the office of the Recording Secretary. Minutes of closed meetings are not available for inspection or copying by the public.
Public Records
The Board of Trustees has appointed the Executive Vice President as the official
Custodian of Records for the district. The Executive Vice President is responsible
for records related to the College President's performance evaluation and employment
contract, and the Chief of Staff is responsible for other records related to the Board
of Trustees. The identity and location of these individuals is available upon request.
(RSMO 610.023.1)
Procedures for release of public records are included in Article II.02 Release of Public Records.
Public Notice Procedures
The Office of the President will be responsible for public notice of meetings of the Board of Trustees. Notice will include the time, date, and location of each meeting, along with the tentative agenda. If the meeting is to be conducted by telephone or other electronic means, public notice will identify the mode by which the meeting will be conducted and the designated location where the public may observe and attend the meeting. If the Board of Trustees plans to meet by internet chat, internet message board, or other computer link, the notice will be posted on the institution’s website in addition to the President’s Office, and the notice will include instructions to the public for access to the meeting. (RSMO 610.020)
Concurrent with the public notice being made available to the Board of Trustees, copies will be made available to any representative of the news media who requests notice of meetings of the district, and the notice will be posted prominently on the window of the Office of the President, Social Sciences Building, Office 2104, which is easily accessible to the public and is clearly designated as the principle office for business related to the Board of Trustees.
Notice conforming with all of the above requirements will be given at least 24 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays when the campus is closed, prior to commencement of any meeting of the Board of Trustees unless for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical, in which case as much notice as is reasonably possible will be given. When it is necessary to hold a meeting on less than twenty-four hours' notice, or at a place that is not reasonably accessible to the public, or at a time that is not reasonably convenient to the public, the nature of the good cause justifying that departure from the normal requirements will be stated in the minutes.
Special Meeting Procedures
Special meetings may be called by the College President or Board President. Each member
will be notified of the time, place, and purpose of the special meeting at least 48
hours prior to the meeting; however, if all members of the Board waive the required
notice, in writing, such a special meeting may be held at any time and for any purpose.
At such a meeting, no business will be transacted other than that stated in the notice.
Procedure for Authorizing a Closed Meeting
In accordance with Missouri’s Sunshine Law (RSMO 610.022), public notice of closed
meetings will include the time, date and place of the closed meeting or vote and the
reason for holding it by reference to one of the following exceptions allowed under
RSMO 610.021:
1. Legal actions, causes of action, or litigation involving the district and any confidential or privileged communications between the district or its representatives and its attorneys.
- Minutes, vote or settlement agreement relating to legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving the district or any agent or entity representing its interests or acting on its behalf or with its authority, including any insurance company acting on behalf of the district as its insured, will be made public upon final disposition of the matter voted upon or upon the signing by the parties of the settlement agreement, unless, prior to final disposition, the settlement agreement is ordered closed by a court after a written finding that the adverse impact to a plaintiff or plaintiffs to the action clearly outweighs the public policy considerations of section 610.011. The amount of any moneys paid by, or on behalf of, the district will be disclosed; however, in matters involving the exercise of the power of eminent domain, the vote will become public immediately following action on the motion to authorize institution of such a legal action. Legal work product is considered a closed record;
2. Leasing, purchase, or sale of real estate by the district where public knowledge of the transaction might adversely affect the legal consideration therefor.
- Minutes, votes, or public record approving a contract relating to the leasing, purchase, or sale of real estate by the district will become public upon execution of the lease, purchase, or sale of the real estate.
3. Hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting of particular employees by the district when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.
- Any vote on a final decision, when taken by the district, to hire, fire, promote, or discipline an employee of the district will be made available to the public, with a record of how each member voted, within seventy-two hours of the close of the meeting where the action occurs; however, any employee so affected will be entitled to prompt notice of such decision during the seventy-two-hour period before the decision is made available to the public. As used in this subdivision, the term "personal information" means information relating to the performance or merit of individual employees.
4. The state militia or National Guard or any part thereof.
5. Non-judicial mental or physical health proceedings involving identifiable persons, including medical, psychiatric, psychological, or alcoholism or drug dependency diagnosis or treatment.
6. Scholastic probation, expulsion, or graduation of identifiable individuals, including records of individual test or examination scores.
- Personally identifiable student records maintained by public educational institutions will be open for inspection by the parents, guardian, or other custodian of students under the age of eighteen years and by the parents, guardian, or other custodian and the student if the student is over the age of eighteen years.
7. Testing and examination materials, before the test or examination is given or, if it is to be given again, before so given again.
8. Welfare cases of identifiable individuals.
9. Preparation, including any discussions or work product, on behalf of the district or its representatives for negotiations with employee groups.
10. Software codes for electronic data processing and documentation.
11. Specifications for competitive bidding, until either the specifications are officially approved by the district or the specifications are published for bid.
12. Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened; and sealed proposals
and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until a contract
is executed, or all proposals are rejected.
13. Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings, or records pertaining
to employees or applicants for employment. This exemption does not apply to the names,
positions, salaries, and lengths of service of officers and employees of public agencies
once they are employed as such, and the names of private sources donating or contributing
money to the salary of a chancellor or president at all public colleges and universities
in the state of Missouri and the amount of money contributed by the source.
14. Records which are protected from disclosure by law.
15. Meetings and public records relating to scientific and technological innovations in which the owner has a proprietary interest.
16. Records relating to municipal hotlines established for the reporting of abuse and wrongdoing.
17. Confidential or privileged communications between the district and its auditor, including all auditor work product.
- All final audit reports issued by the auditor are considered open records pursuant to this chapter.
18. Operational guidelines, policies, and specific response plans developed, adopted, or maintained by the district’s law enforcement, public safety, first response, or public health for use in responding to or preventing any critical incident which is or appears to be terrorist in nature and which has the potential to endanger individual or public safety or health.
- Financial records related to the procurement of or expenditures relating to operational guidelines, policies, or plans purchased with public funds will be open. District records will affirmatively state, in writing, if disclosure of the information would impair the district’s ability to protect the security or safety of persons or real property, and that the public interest in nondisclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure of the records if it is necessary for the records to remain closed.
19. Existing or proposed security systems and structural plans of real property owned or leased by the district, and information that is voluntarily submitted by a nonpublic entity owning or operating an infrastructure to the district for use by the district to devise plans for protection of that infrastructure, the public disclosure of which would threaten public safety:
- Records related to the procurement of or expenditures relating to security systems purchased with public funds will be open.
- District records will affirmatively state, in writing, if disclosure of the information would impair the district’s ability to protect the security or safety of persons or real property, and that the public interest in nondisclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure of the records if it is necessary for the records to remain closed.
- Records that are voluntarily submitted by a nonpublic entity will be reviewed by the receiving agency within ninety days of submission to determine if retention of the document is necessary in furtherance of a state security interest. If retention is not necessary, the documents will be returned to the nonpublic governmental body or destroyed;
20. The portion of a record that identifies security systems or access codes or authorization codes for security systems of real property.
21. Records that identify the configuration of components or the operation of a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network and would allow unauthorized access to or unlawful disruption of a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network of the district.
- This exception will not be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public records in a file, document, data file, or database containing public records. Records related to the procurement of or expenditures relating to such computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network, including the amount of moneys paid by, or on behalf of the district for such computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network will be open.
22. Credit card numbers, personal identification numbers, digital certificates, physical and virtual keys, access codes, or authorization codes that are used to protect the security of electronic transactions between the district and a person or entity doing business with a district.
- Nothing in this section shall be deemed to close the record of a person or entity using a credit card held in the name of the district or any record of a transaction made by a person using a credit card or other method of payment for which reimbursement is made by the district.
23. Records submitted by an individual, corporation, or other business entity to the district in connection with a proposal to license intellectual property or perform sponsored research and which contains sales projections or other business plan information the disclosure of which may endanger the competitiveness of a business.
Closed Meeting Minutes
Minutes and other records pertaining to closed meetings are considered closed records
of the district. The public vote authorizing the holding of a closed meeting will,
unless otherwise specified in the motion being voted upon, automatically authorize
the minutes and other records pertaining to said closed meeting to also be closed.
Objection to Closed Meeting
In the event any member of the Board of Trustees makes a motion to close a meeting,
or a record, or a vote from the public and any other member believes that such motion,
if passed, would cause a meeting, record, or vote to be closed from the public in
violation of any provision of RSMO 610, the latter trustee will state his or her objection
to the motion at or before the time the vote is taken on the motion. The Recording
Secretary will enter in the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting any objection
made pursuant to this procedure. Any trustee making such an objection will be allowed
to fully participate in the meeting, record, or vote that is closed from the public
over the trustee’s objection. In the event the objecting trustee also voted in opposition
to the motion to close the meeting, record, or vote at issue, the objection and vote
of the trustee as entered in the minutes will be an absolute defense to any claim
filed against the objecting member pursuant to RSMO 610.027.
Closed Meeting Location
The Board of Trustees will only close that portion of the meeting facility needed
to house the Board of Trustees in closed session. Members of the public will be allowed
to remain in the meeting facility so that they may attend any open meeting that follows
the closed meeting.
Confidentiality of Closed Meetings, Records, and Votes
The Board of Trustees and employees in attendance are honor bound not to disclose
the details or discussions of closed meetings, records, or votes. District employees
who fail to keep closed information or closed meetings confidential may be disciplined
or terminated. The Board of Trustees may publicly admonish trustees who fail to keep
closed meetings, records, and votes confidential in violation of this procedure.
Voting at meetings of the Board of Trustees will be conducted in accordance with the
applicable law and provisions set out in administrative procedures.
General Voting Procedures
All motions will be recorded in the minutes, including the name of the person making
and seconding any motion and the record of the vote. If a roll call is taken, the
record will attribute each "yea" and "nay" vote, or abstinence if not voting, to the
name of the individual trustee. The Board President will have a vote on all questions.
All votes taken by roll call will be cast by trustees who are physically present and in attendance at the meeting or who are participating via videoconferencing. When it is necessary to take votes by roll call due to an emergency, with a quorum of the Board physically present and in attendance and less than a quorum of the Board participating via telephone, facsimile, internet, or any other voice or electronic means, the nature of the emergency justifying the departure from normal requirements will be stated in the minutes. Where such emergency exists, the votes taken will be regarded as if all members were physically present and in attendance at the meeting. (RSMO 610.015)
Any trustee, upon request, may have a brief explanation of their vote recorded on any question. Any trustee may also change his or her vote if such a request is made prior to consideration of the next order of business.
Motions pass with an affirmative vote from the majority of the quorum present at the meeting unless otherwise limited by law. A majority of the entire Board must vote to enter into a contract, employ a person, approve a bill, or issue a warrant.
Voting in Open Session
Voting in open session must be conducted in a manner which allows the Recording Secretary
to accurately discern and record the number of persons voting for or against the motion
as well as the persons abstaining from the vote.
The Board of Trustees may decide to vote by roll call in open session. Any trustee who desires a roll call vote will so request it of the Board President and, upon being recognized, will proceed to cast his or her vote first, the vote then proceeding in a clockwise manner until all have voted, and the vote will be so recorded. When voting to adjourn to closed session, the specific reason for closing the meeting will be announced publicly by reference to the specific section of RSMO 610.021, and the vote will be taken by roll call.
Voting in Closed Session
All votes taken in closed session will be taken by roll call, including the vote to
adjourn. (RSMO 610.015)
Voting by Telephone
The Board of Trustees may allow members to participate in meetings by telephone; however,
in order to vote on an item of business, the remotely located trustee must be connected
with the meeting throughout discussion of the item. If joining the meeting by telephone
after an item of business has been opened, the remotely connected trustee will not
participate until the next item of business is opened.
Remotely connected trustees will not be allowed to cast roll call votes unless an emergency exists and a quorum of the Board is physically present. If such an emergency exists, the nature of the emergency will be stated in the official meeting minutes. Remotely connected trustees may cast votes other than roll call votes. (RSMO 610.015)
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revised: 08/2018, 05/2019, 07/2024
Article II.02 Release of Records
The Board of Trustees adheres to state law related to release of records. Except to the extent disclosure is required by law, meetings, records, and votes will be closed to the public.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revision Dates: 05/2008, 10/2011, 12/2011, 08/2018
Fees for Copying of Records
Except as otherwise provided by law, the district will provide access to and, upon
request, furnish copies of public records. Applicable fees may be assessed as allowed
by state law.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revised: 05/2008, 10/2011, 12/2011, 08/2018
Article II.03 Conflicts of Interest
St. Charles Community College adheres to the standards of professional ethics as prescribed by the State of Missouri and establishes the following policy and procedures to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain employees and members of the Board of Trustees.
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Policy
The proper operation of St. Charles Community College requires that certain employees and members of the Board of Trustees be independent, impartial, and responsible to district constituents; that decisions and policies be made through the proper channels of the established structure; that employment with St. Charles Community College or membership on the Board of Trustees not be used for personal gain; and that employees and members of the general public have confidence in the integrity of St. Charles Community College. In recognition of these goals, there is hereby established a procedure for disclosure by certain employees, members of the Board of Trustees, and candidates for the Board of Trustees of private financial or other interests in matters affecting St. Charles Community College.
Conflicts of Interest
All elected and appointed members of the Board of Trustees as well as certain employees
of St. Charles Community College must comply with Section 105.454 of the Missouri
Revised Statutes on conflicts of interest as well as any other state law governing
official conduct.
Any member of the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees of who has a “substantial personal or private interest” in any measure, bill, order, ordinance, or other action proposed or pending before the Board of Trustees must disclose that interest to the Recording Secretary, and the disclosure will be recorded in the official meeting minutes. Substantial personal or private interest is defined as ownership by the individual, his/her spouse, his/her dependent children, whether singularly or collectively, directly or indirectly of: (1) 10% or more of any business entity; or (2) an interest having a value of $10,000 or more; or (3) the receipt of a salary, gratuity, or other compensation or remuneration of $5,000 or more per year from any individual, partnership, organization, or association within any calendar year.
Disclosure Reports
Each member of the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees, candidate for
the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees, the Vice President for Administrative
Services, and the Director of Purchasing will disclose the following information by
May 1, or the appropriate deadline as referenced in Section 105.487 of the Missouri
Revised Statutes, if any such transactions occurred during the previous calendar year:
- For such person and all persons within the first degree of consanguinity or affinity of such person, the date and the identities of the parties to each transaction with a total value in excess of five hundred dollars, if any, that such person had with St. Charles Community College other than compensation received as an employee or payment of any tuition, fees or penalty due to St. Charles Community College, and other than transfers for no consideration to St. Charles Community College.
- The date and identities of the parties to each transaction known to the person with a total value in excess of five hundred dollars, if any, that any business entity in which such person had a substantial interest, had with the St. Charles Community College, other than payment of any tuition, fees, or penalty due to St. Charles Community College; and other than transfers for no consideration to St. Charles Community College.
- The Vice President for Administrative Services and the Director of Purchasing will disclose by May 1, or the appropriate deadline as referenced in Section 105.487, RSMo, the following information for the previous year:
- The name and address of each of the employers of such person from whom income of one thousand dollars or more was received during the year covered by the statement;
- The name and address of each sole proprietorship that he/she owned; the name, address, and general nature of the business conducted of each general partnership and joint venture in which he/she was a partner or participant; the name and address of each partner or co- participant for each partnership or joint venture with the Secretary of State; the name, address, and general nature of business conducted of any closely held corporation or limited partnership in which the person owned ten percent or more of any class of the outstanding stock or limited partnership units; and the name of any publicly traded corporation or limited partnership that is listed on a regulated stock exchange or automated quotation system in which the person owned two percent or more of any class or outstanding stock, limited partnership units, or other equity interests;
- The name and address of each corporation for which such person served in the capacity of a director, officer, or receiver.
Filing of Reports
The financial interest statements will be filed at the following times, but no person
is required to file more than one financial interest statement in any calendar year:
- Every person required to file a financial interest statement will file the statement annually, not later than May 1, and the statement will cover the calendar year ending the immediately preceding December 31; providing that any employee or member of the Board of Trustees may supplement the financial interest statement to report additional interests acquired after December 31 of the covered year until the date of filing of the financial interest statement.
- Each person appointed to the Board of Trustees or employed as Vice President for Administrative Services or Director of Purchasing will file the statement within thirty days of such appointment or employment covering the calendar year ending the previous December 31.
- Every candidate required to file a personal financial disclosure statement will file no later than fourteen days after the close of filing at which the candidate seeks election. The time period of this statement will cover the twelve months prior to the closing date of filing for candidacy.
Financial disclosure reports giving the financial information required will be filed in the office of the College President and with the Missouri Ethics Commission. The statements will be available for public inspection and copying during normal business hours.
Filing of Policy
A certified copy of this policy, adopted prior to September 15th, will be sent to
the Missouri Ethics Commission within ten days of its adoption.
Effective Date
This policy will be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage
and approval and shall remain in effect for two years from the date of passage.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revision Dates: Adopted by Board of Trustees July 22, 2024
Article II.04 Election to Board Positions
All elections to the Board of Trustees will be carried out in accordance with state law.
Notice of Election
Before the 16th Tuesday prior to any election for the office of trustee, the general public will be notified by publication of legal notice in at least one newspaper in the district of the opening and closing filing dates, office or offices to be filled, and location and hours for filing.
Declaration of Candidacy
Each candidate, or candidate’s representative as allowed under state law, for the
office of trustee must file an official Declaration of Candidacy in person at the
published filing location during published filing hours. Eligibility requirements
will be in accordance with state law.
Placement on Ballot
Placement of candidates’ names on the ballot will be determined by random drawing
for candidates who file a Declaration of Candidacy prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first
day for filing. Each candidate, or candidate’s representative as allowed under state
law, will draw a number at random at the time of filing. The number drawn will be
recorded on the candidate’s Declaration of Candidacy and verified in writing by the
candidate and a witness. The names of these candidates will be listed in ascending
order of the numbers drawn. Candidates filing after the first day will be listed in
order of filing.
Assuming the Office
At the first meeting of the Board of Trustees after election results have been certified
by the county election authority and the Board of Trustees, elected and certified
members will present themselves for the purpose of being seated.
Vacancy on the Board of Trustees
In the case of a vacancy in membership of the Board of Trustees, the Board will be
informed at its next regular meeting. Any vacancy will be filled by a majority vote
of the remaining trustees. The appointed member will serve until the next election
held by or for the district, when a trustee will be elected to fill the unexpired
Additional Information: RSMO Chapter 115
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revised: 08/2018, 12/2018
Terms of Office
The St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees consists of six elected members
who reside within the taxing district. Trustees are elected to serve staggered six-year
terms with two terms expiring every two years.
Election Official
The Executive Coordinator in the President's Office/Recording Secretary (or designee)
is the district’s election official and will be responsible for election-related duties.
Election Non-Participation
If the number of candidates for the office of Trustee is equal to the number of positions
open for the office, and no ballot measure is to be placed on the ballot by the district,
no election will be held.
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates for the Board of Trustees:
- Must be a citizen of the United States of America;
- Must be a resident taxpayer of the Community College District of St. Charles County, Missouri, for a minimum of one year immediately preceding the election;
- Must be at least 21 years of age;
- Must not be delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property
taxes, municipal taxes, or real property taxes on their place of residence. If a past
or present corporate officer of any fee office, must verify that the office does not
owe any taxes to the state; (RSMO 115.306.2)
- Candidates are required by law to file a notarized affidavit stating these facts with the Missouri Department of Revenue and must provide a copy of the document at the time of filing.
- Must not been found guilty nor pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America, or to a felony under Missouri law, or to an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in Missouri; (RSMO 115.306.1)
- Must have filed all required disclosure reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission, when applicable, for all previous elections in which they were a candidate.
Election Certification
Not later than 5:00 p.m. on the 10th Tuesday prior to any election for the office
of trustee, the district’s election official will submit to the St. Charles County
Election Authority:
- Letter of Notification of Election, signed by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
- Certified resolution from the Board of Trustees calling for and providing for an election to be held, including the text of all questions to be voted upon and minutes from public meeting in which the resolution was passed.
- Sample ballot which includes candidate names as submitted on Declarations of Candidacy,
and in ballot order as prescribed district procedure; and text of all other questions
to be voted upon.
Declaration of Candidacy and copy of Candidate Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements (Missouri Department of Revenue) for each candidate. - Certified copy of legal notice of election, published pursuant to Missouri statute.
Certification of Election Results
Certification of election results, after receipt of certified results from the St.
Charles County Election Authority, will be certified by the Board of Trustees as the
first item of business following consent items at the first regular meeting after
the election, and newly elected trustees will present themselves for the purpose of
being seated.
Oath of Office
Newly elected trustees will swear, or affirm, the following Oath of Office by the
Board President or other Board officer, to be filed with the Recording Secretary as
an official record:
"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Missouri, and that I will faithfully serve the office of trustee of St. Charles Community College."
Following the Oath of Office, the Board President or other Board officer will recognize the newly elected trustee(s) as being entitled and qualified to perform the duties of a member of the Board of Trustees.
Selection Criteria for Trustee Appointment
Appointees to the Board of Trustees:
- Must be a citizen of the United States of America;
- Must be a resident taxpayer of the district for a minimum of one year immediately preceding the appointment;
- Must be at least 21 years of age;
- Must not be delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, or real property taxes on their place of residence;
- Must not been found guilty nor pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America, or to a felony under Missouri law, or to an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in Missouri; (RSMO 115.306.1)
- Must adhere to the district’s Conflicts of Interest policy, including filing of required disclosure reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission.
Appointees to the Board of Trustees should also demonstrate the following characteristics:
- Clear understanding and willingness to work actively to promote the Mission, Vision, and Values of St. Charles Community College;
- Understanding of the community and its needs and concerns;
- Leadership, accountability, and fiduciary responsibility;
- Special skills, talents, or interests that are beneficial to the institution; and
- Availability to attend and be regularly involved in Board meetings and other College
Additional Information: RSMO Chapter 115
Content Owner: Office of the President
Revised: 08/2018, 12/2018, 10/2019
Article II.05 Officers of the Board of Trustees
The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board may also appoint Trustees to serve as SCC Foundation Liaison and Legislative Liaison.
Officers shall be elected at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees following receipt of certified election results from the municipal election authority in each even-numbered year when election participation is required. When election participation is not required in accordance with RSMo 115.124.1, officers shall be elected at the first meeting following the municipal election in each even-numbered year.
Each officer of the Board of Trustees shall be elected for a term of two years, assume office immediately upon election, and hold office until his/her successor is elected. In the case of a vacancy in any office, such vacancy shall be filled as soon as practicable by election of a successor to the unexpired term of office.
Duties of the Officers of the Board of Trustees
The duties of the President of the Board of Trustees shall be:
- To preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees.
- To appoint or provide for the election of all committees.
- To call special Board of Trustees meetings as required.
- To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law for action of the Board of Trustees.
- To report the financial status of the district in the absence of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees.
- To award degrees and certificates at Commencement.
- To represent the Board of Trustees at public functions.
The duties of the Vice President of the Board of Trustees shall be:
- In the case of the resignation, absence, or other disability of the President of the Board of Trustees, to perform all of the duties of the President of the Board of Trustees.
- To perform such other and further duties as shall, from time to time, be assigned to him/her by the President of the Board of Trustees.
The duties of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, or designee, shall be:
- To be the official custodian of the records of the district and perform all duties required by the Board of Trustees and all duties herein before or hereinafter provided in these rules.
- To record or cause to be recorded in a book provided for that purpose, the proceedings of the Board of Trustees and to index the same.
- To attest all public acts of the district, affix thereto when necessary, the seal of St. Charles Community College, and prepare and serve or cause to be prepared and served on the members of the Board of Trustees due time notices of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees.
- To be the custodian of the official seal of the district and of the official bond of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees which shall be recorded in the records of the district.
The duties of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, or designee, shall be:
- To keep or cause to be kept, complete records of the financial transactions for the district and to report, from time to time, the financial status of the district.
- Such other duties as are imposed on the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees under the laws of Missouri.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 02/2001, 03/2020, 06/2020, 08/2020
Article II.06 Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees maintains appropriate statutory authority and is responsible for formulating the policies under which the College will operate. The Trustees' authority is a group authority. They have powers only when they meet in a properly called meeting in which there is a quorum.
Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees shall be to:
- Select and appoint the President of the College.
- Determine the broad general policies that will govern the district.
- Consider and take appropriate action on recommendation of the President of the College on all matters of policy relating to the welfare of the College.
- After evaluating administrative recommendations, assume exclusive responsibility for making decisions concerning appointment, retention or dismissal of all staff.
- Approve the annual budget.
- Approve the expenditure of all funds.
- Provide ways and means for adequate financial support.
- Function as the legislative and policy-making body of the district charged with the oversight of the College, leaving all administrative functions to the College President.
- Serve as a court of final appeal for students, employees, and citizens of the district on matters of policy and policy interpretation.
- Such other duties as are imposed by Missouri law.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 10/2020
Right of Appeal
Any appeal to the Board must be submitted to the Chief of Staff. The Board will not consider or act on any information sent directly from the employee to the Board or any appeal that does not adhere to policy or provisions contained in an Memorandum of Understanding.
Article II.07 Accreditation and Legal Authority
St. Charles Community College shall meet the published standards for accreditation of the Missouri Department of Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission and shall adhere to and comply with all applicable statutes.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 10/2020
Article II.08 Organization of the College
The College shall be organized into appropriate administrative areas. The College will include executive officers charged with overseeing the following major functional areas: academic affairs, student services, workforce development, administrative services, human resources, technology, and marketing. The College President is the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the Board of Trustees. He/she shall execute all executive and administrative duties in connection with the operation of the College.
Specifically, he/she shall:
- Be responsible for the organization and administration of the College.
- Make policy recommendations to the Board on all matters that affect the College.
- Recommend all additions or changes in personnel and in personnel policies.
- Submit an annual budget and administer the Board approved budget.
- Have authority to exercise broad, discretionary power along lines established by the Board.
- Be responsible for the formulation of all reports as may be required by the Board and by local, state, or national agencies.
- Recommend to the Board, site locations and site utilization.
- Direct the development of the campus building program.
- Recommend the establishment of citizen and trade advisory committees.
- Lend influence in the development of higher education programs in local, state, and national committees and organizations.
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees.
- Report to the Board of Trustees on the financial condition of the College a minimum of three times each budget year.
College administration is authorized to develop and implement handbooks, procedures, and guidelines and appoint committees as necessary for operation of the College.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 10/2020, 04/2021
Article II.09 Amendments to Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
The policies of the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees may be amended, repealed, or added to upon motion made for that purpose by any member of the Board of Trustees. Any such motion shall not be voted upon until the next regularly scheduled meeting after formal presentation to the Board of Trustees. In the event the College must respond to an urgent matter, the Board President may authorize the review and approval of a policy at the same meeting.
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 08/2014, 12/2020
New or amended policy and procedure proposals may be initiated by an Executive Officer of the college to the executive coordinator in the Office of the President, who will apply one of the following three categories and review/approval processes:
Clerical Amendment
A clerical amendment is defined as a change which does not change policy or related
procedures but updates job titles, phone numbers, office locations, or other information
to maintain correctness and clarity. Upon receipt of a clerical amendment request,
the executive coordinator drafts the amendment and submits it for written approval
by the content owner. Upon receipt of such approval, the executive coordinator amends
the online policy manual.
Procedure Amendment
A procedure amendment is defined as a change which adds, further defines, or changes
procedure but does not change or affect the substance of the related policy. Upon
receipt of a procedure amendment request, the executive coordinator contacts the content
owner, who assigns a responsible party to work with departmental constituents to review
the proposed amendment, create an electronically marked draft of changes to original
procedures, and draft a summary which describes and justifies the proposed amendment.
These documents are submitted to the executive assistant, who may make additional
changes to the draft, in cooperation with the responsible party, to ensure consistency
within the manual. The final proposed amendment and summary are submitted to executive
leadership for further review. The President’s Cabinet will approve, decline, make
further changes, or request additional research. Once approved, the executive assistant
amends the online policy manual and posts a summary of the amendment on the employee
Policy Amendment
A policy amendment is defined as a change which creates new policy or alters existing
policy. Policy amendments follow the same course as procedure amendments, described
above. Once approved by the President’s Cabinet, the proposed amendment is formally
presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration and approval. At the next regular
meeting, the Board of Trustees may approve, decline, make further changes, or request
additional research on the proposed policy. Once approved, the executive assistant
updates the online policy manual and posts a summary of the amendment on the employee
Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 08/2014, 12/2020